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Scutech attending the 20th Int’l Soft Expo with DBackup 6.0, breaking down tech barriers

On May 26, the 20th Int’l Soft Expo was held in Beijing Exhibition Center. Scutech attended this grand event with its newly released product –DBackup 6.0. DBackup 6.0 is the first product in China that supports ON-Bar and possesses multiple key technologies; its release marked a new stage of domestic backup industry.

Photo taken during the release of DBackup 6.0

A new high of domestic backup technology

This newly released Backup 6.0 is an efficient and reliable data protection system developed by Scutech that integrates data backup & recovery and data high availability. According to its spokesman, DBackup 6.0 has three highlights:

Firstly, it supports hot backup of Informix and MySQL. Hot backup is backup performed on databases while it is still accessible to or even being accessed by users. As most manufacturers in China only supports cold backup (offline backup), DBackup 6.0 is one of the few products that can conduct hot backup, incremental backup and log backup of MySQL database.

Secondly, it realizes CDP disaster recovery by constantly monitoring IO changes of data and can instantly recover data to a certain checkpoint. According to a third-party accredited testing organization, in terms of continuous data backup, DBackup completes backup in 1s, one known domestic product 30s while one does not support continuous data backup.

Thirdly, its backup method has been upgraded from D2T to D2T2T which significantly reduces bandwidth occupation and backup time.

According to the evaluation report, compared with leading products in and out of China, DBackup has shown obvious advantages in terms of backup proxy, Oracle and other aspects. Compared with NBU from Symantec, Scutech has 6 supported technologies while NBU doesn’t, for example, it supports hot backup, incremental backup and log backup of MySQL, backup & recovery of open virtualization platforms like Xen and XenServer, etc. DBackup also holds an obvious edge considering its compatibility with domestic databases and virtualization platforms. Take Oracle, 234 GB as an example, Scutech costs half the time NBU costs in terms of backup & recovery.

The founder & general manager Dr.Wang Zijun and Mr.Luo Wenbing from CSTC talking to guests

Internet+ Big data times

With the forthcoming of Internet + Big data times, data backup will be attached more significance and the market will develop quickly. Scutech is a nationally certified hi-tech enterprise with internationally advanced technologies. It has now enjoyed an important position in backup market and will continue to develop its key technologies to prepare for international competition and push forward industrial development.
